Become a member
The European Confederation of Fuel Distributors (ECFD) is the umbrella association of the federations of heating oil distributors in Austria, Belgium, France, Germany and the United Kingdom and of the independent petrol station owners of Austria, Belgium, France and Germany. The mission of ECFD is to defend the interests of its members at European level, safeguarding the independence, resilience and profitability of businesses supplying petroleum products for households and motorists of the European Union. ECFD members are mainly small and medium-sized, often family-owned, companies. Join ECFD to have your voice heard at EU level, to participate in the legislative debate, to bring your expertise to the EU doorstep and to exchange ideas with your peer.
ECFD membership offers in particular:
- Advocacy & coalition-building: ECFD works closely with the European institutions on relevant legislative proposals as well as with our partner organisations representing other sections of the oil value chain, such as FuelsEurope, UPEI and Eurofuel.
- Networking: ECFD membership gives access to colleagues’ knowledge base from across the EU on variety of topics. The Confederation serves as an open forum to exchange ideas among industry experts.
- Intelligence: ECFD provides regular updates on matters relevant to the industry to its members. A quarterly newsletter, available in different languages, provides members with relevant information on an array of EU developments and important future legislative milestones.
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